Sydney Market Wrap-Up

Thursday, December 16th, 2010

The Sydney Finders Keepers Market was buzzing! Heaps of people, great vibe, fun decorations, papercrafts for shoppers to get involved making, good music, nice people, and a really unique and never-seen-before selection of stalls. The Finders Keepers selection panel really made a big effort this time to make sure the stalls were new, fresh, and eclectic. It was great.

I debuted a new product at this market; lavender bags. A set of three lavender bags featuring my illustrations, made of organic cotton, natural linen, and glorious smelling Australian farmed lavender. Perfect for hanging in your musty wardrobe, in your drawers, or even in your linen cupboard to make your pillowcases or towels smell super nice.

They all sold out too, but I have more in production, and will be launched in my Etsy shop soon.

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