Archive for March, 2012

Family Portrait Commission

Monday, March 19th, 2012

A few months back I did a commission for a very musical family. Craig and Elke were about to be married after having been together for years and years, and wanted something special to mark this time in their lives together (along with their gorgeous daughter and beloved pooch).

Craig had proposed to Elke by taking her for a walk on the beach and letting her find a message in a bottle he had planted there earlier. A-MAZ-ING!

I included lots of instruments and musical elements in the painting too, to represent the passion they have for their band “Pachooka“. The picture was to be printed on beer coolers for their wedding. Hope it was unforgettable guys.

Lifestyle Asia Magazine

Friday, March 16th, 2012

This month Lifestyle Asia magazine published a lovely big four glossy-paged feature of my work. If you can read chinese you can read the interview, if not the stylish design and layout is worth a look in itself, the Chinese characters make it look so fancy! Big thanks to Ambrosia for the interview (and whoever designed the beautiful layout). Pick the magazine up in Sydney if you feel like a look.

My Bearded Pigeon

Saturday, March 10th, 2012

Recently I did a photoshoot for my good friend Cath; (maker of gorgeous cushions, mind and hands behind My Bearded Pigeon), for her Etsy Featured Seller interview.

Yay Cath!