Archive for January, 2013


Sunday, January 20th, 2013

Amber's Fox - by flossy-p

This commission was from a sneaky-sweet man, as a surprise for his fiance for Christmas. He asked for a painting similar to the girl and wombat, but with his fiance instead, and her favourite animal; a fox.

He told me lots of little bits about each of them – details I represented in an orbit of icons.

I’m told she loved it. And I’m pret-ty sure he would have scored some high points too for being so thoughtful.

I liked the fox so much that I returned to my initial concept sketches, worked them up a little further and turned them into Star Fox and Moon Fox pillowcases. Now available in my Etsy shop!

Star Fox and Moon Fox Pillowcases by flossy-p
Photo by Jacqueline Ingle Photography